I did awesome shit this year! For starters, I wrote this in Vim. Heck, a year ago, I was afraid of using this editor. I only used it when I didn’t have a choice. I was a Nano advocate. But now, Vim all the way.

This year like many other years didn’t have skip days. Wouldn’t it be cool if some days were just skipped? Like the whole of the raining season? I hate the rains, fuck!

So let’s do this like a string. A string of months, and days, but mostly months.

from typing import List, Optional

class Month:
	def __init__(self, name: Optional[str] = None, activities: Optional[List[str]] = []):
		self.name = name
		self.activities = activities
		self.next = Optional["Month"] = None

Okay, now we just define instances for different months and piece them together. Just like a linked list!

Piecing Q1 together

jan = Month("January",